Module 1: Introduction to Sourcing and Importation

  • Overview of Sourcing and Importation
  • Role of Importation in Kenya’s Economy
  • Understanding the role of countries like China in the global supply chain
  • Case study: ILSA INT’L GROUP LTD’s operations in sourcing and importation

Module 2: Finding Reliable Suppliers

  • Locating trustworthy contacts and agencies in sourcing countries
  • Key considerations when choosing a sourcing agency
  • Role of ILSA INT’L GROUP LTD in supplier sourcing and relationship management

Module 3: Establishing a Customer Base

  • Use of Social Media platforms for customer reach
  • Building trust with early customers
  • Importance of clear communication and transparency

Module 4: Pricing and Order Management

  • Understanding wholesale prices, shipping costs, and product weights
  • Determining Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)
  • Managing orders and payments
  • Understanding the role of ILSA INT’L GROUP LTD in order management

Module 5: Logistics and Shipping

  • Choosing the right shipping method (air vs sea)
  • Role of ILSA INT’L GROUP LTD in logistics management
  • Handling courier fees and shipping costs
  • Dealing with customs and import taxes

Module 6: Delivery and Customer Service

  • Choosing the appropriate delivery methods
  • Handling returns and refunds
  • Providing excellent customer service
  • ILSA INT’L GROUP LTD’s role in ensuring customer satisfaction

Module 7: Understanding Challenges and Risks in Import Business

  • Addressing potential challenges and risks
  • Role of ILSA INT’L GROUP LTD in risk mitigation

Module 8: Compliance and Regulation

  • Understanding government regulations on importation
  • Avoiding counterfeit goods and potential legal issues
  • Role of ILSA INT’L GROUP LTD in ensuring compliance

This course would provide a comprehensive understanding of sourcing, importation, and logistics. Emphasis on ILSA INT’L GROUP LTD’s services can highlight how professional sourcing and logistics management companies can assist in these processes, making the importation business more efficient and effective.

Important To Note:

The government requires you to pay taxes for all the goods brought into the country. For this reason, always include 16% VAT tax when advertising products. This will save you from having to pay tax from your own pocket. The Anti Counterfeit Agency and KRA seize counterfeit goods. It is important for you to know the types and categories of goods not allowed into the country.

Knowledge is power!!!

Importation is vast and requires a minimum of 2weeks to learn. If you are really interested in learning more and also starting an importation business venture. Discover the solution and start an importation business with the help of our mini training course.